We had two good nights! Last night I put Silas to bed at 8 pm. He woke up at 1 am (that's 5 hours) for a bottle. At 3:30 am he woke up fussing because he realized he lost his pacifier. I was so out of it, I was yelling at Marshall (poor guy) to make a bottle. He told me that he fed Silas at 1:00. I thought we had twins so he must have fed the other baby. Oh my! But regardless of the previous feeding, Silas drank half of a bottle and when I rolled over at 7 am, he was smiling at me. Sorry Marshall...I thought you only fed one of the babies. My bad! We have only ONE baby!
Here is a series of photos...forgive the blurries. They are the result of our little mover and shaker.

And Praise the Lord, a rainy cool front rolled in last night and we are a happy family.