Tuesday, February 5, 2008

the name poll results

Noah........29 votes....39%
Jude........5 votes.........6%
Abram....2 votes.........2%
Samuel...15 votes.......18%
Silas.........9 votes........10%
Micah......23 votes......27%

83 votes total

Thanks for participating! My sister, Katy, admitted to voting for her favorite name from 2 different computers. Anyone else want to fess up?


E said...

Aw! I wish I had cheated! Oops, did I write that out loud?

Choosing our children's names isn't typically done in a democratic fashion so none of us can hold you to Noah. :) My vote was for Samuel or Silas, which is why I'm being so graceful about not holding you to Noah.

But, seriously, I'm praying you hear news soon! It has to be soon! Please, Lord, let it be soon!

Can't wait to celebrate with you!!!


Anonymous said...

Your blog puts my attemps at one to shame. I had fun with the poll and seeing what other names you were thinking about. I really did only vote once. I hadn't even thought of rigging the votes.
And I'll be praying that the phone doesn't collect too much dust until a very special call comes through- soon!