Tuesday, April 28, 2009

one year ago today

I'm not exactly sure when the moment was that I became a Mother. It may have been the day we got our referral or the day we passed court or the day I held my boy for the first time......April 28, 2008.

The beautiful part is, no matter what moment I became a Mother, over this past year I've become someone's Momma.

Monday, April 27, 2009

17 whole months

My sweet boy turned 17 months old on Saturday. Just in the last three weeks, he has GROWN SO MUCH....physically, verbally, all around. One year ago today, we arrived in Ethiopia to meet this sweet boy. He was 5 months old. Times flies when you're having fun! Kisses, lots of kisses.

Saying "CHEESE"! Loves pictures of himself.Sand and Water table...messy fun! Can you believe I had dreams of the water and sand staying on their respectable sides. Amateur!
The following photos are what most of my Silas pictures look like lately....

Garden update: We have a red strawberry! And a few more are turning. I know, it's very exciting! Just be thankful I'm not posting weekly or daily growth pictures of the garden. That would guarantee losing all but about 2 of you.
Adoption Take 2 Update: On Friday our social worker (love her!) emailed our home study for us to read and make corrections. Emailed it back to her on Friday. We did forget one itsy bitsy detail...a background check from TX. I know, I know. You're thinking, "The FBI has checked you about 4 times now as well as North Carolina and Texas. Why do you need ANOTHER background check?!" Basically, it's for the safety of the children. Hopefully that will come back in a couple of weeks and we can keep on moving.

Since I can't sleep (why, oh why did I take a nap?) and it's late, here are some spiritual thoughts rolling around in my head lately...
When I just get through the day and then get through the week, I'm not really living; I'm just getting through. Jesus said that He came so we may have life. And not just life, but abundant life! Isn't that good news?! Jesus wants us to live abundantly, not just check the boxes and move on.
In related news...Jesus said, I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6) I love this verse. Jesus wants us to have abundant Life...He IS the Life. Keep your eyes on Him, friends. He's life.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

we got us a garden

I grew up with a garden in my backyard and this is my first attempt at it myself. We're hoping for yummy fruits and veggies all summer and herbs to add to our meals. Silas "helped" and was quite natural with his little shovel in the pot...had to tell him "no touch" after the photo op. ;)
Those pots contain: tomatoes, zucchini, red peppers, green peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupe, strawberries, lavender, chives, corriander, oregano, parsley and basil.

Having dirt under my nails was so fun and along with playing in the backyard in our pajamas and going a day without shoes, we find it downright good for the soul.
Adoption 2 Update: We're waiting on our homestudy to be completed. After that we'll take a few things to Raleigh to be certified, wait for a fingerprint appointment from USCIS and then we'll get our I-171H. The compiling of our dossier (the paper baby, all of the paperwork we are required to gather) went super fast, so now we wait for the last couple of things to make it complete and then we wait. Wait, wait, wait. And pray, pray, pray.
In the meantime, this little guy is keeping us plenty busy and I'm loving every minute of it!

Oh and if this garden is plentiful, look for me and this little salesman in our front yard with our own little Adoption fundraiser produce stand. But, I'm not counting my zucchini before they hatch!

Friday, April 17, 2009

our day without shoes

Fact #1: In some developing nations, children must walk for miles to food, clean water and to seek medical help.
Fact #2: Cuts and sores on feet can lead to serious infection.
Fact #3: Often, children cannot attend school barefoot.
Fact #4: In Ethiopia, approximately one million people are suffering from Podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring disease caused by walking barefoot in volcanic soil.
Fact #5: Podoconiosis is 100% preventable by wearing shoes.
We enjoyed our day without shoes. Go to the TOMS website and order your pair today....a child in need will automatically get a pair too.
Though we only went across town to my Mom's Small Group and played in the yard and walked up the street, being barefoot all day was a constant reminder of those in need. The early morning ground is COLD, even in April, and the late evening bare floors are cold too. I'm not complaining though...it was my choice to go without shoes today. Most that go without don't have a choice.
Go get your TOMS! All the cool kids are doing it. ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

one day without shoes

So I need to do a post about April 11 being a year since we passed court. BUT I wanted to get this message to ya'll. Who's in? What if I double dog dare you?

one day without shoes

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Friday, April 10, 2009

he's growing up before my eyes

Really. To me, it seems like this week Silas has grown by leaps and bounds. On Wednesday he went for his very first haircut. He sat all by himself in the chair and was a little unsure at first but after his stylist (he has a stylist) handed him a tube of lotion from her drawer, he was just fine.
We've had beautiful weather this week and we've spent a lot of time outside. Yesterday, out of the blue, Silas decided he would walk most of the day. He had been walking a lot with his little grocery cart or holding one of our hands, but that day he did it all alone. Today has been the same. It's so funny to see him mostly vertical. And with a great new haircut.

Above you can see that he was singing to himself as he walked.

Does this mean I have a toddler now?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Keep your eye on the prize

So, Silas is walking. He still prefers crawling, but I got some video of him yesterday while we played in our jammies in the backyard. Our beloved neighbors moved and left their son's broken gator for a couple of weeks until it can be disposed of. Silas is happy with it...he doesn't know it should have a motor. It's like the old riding toys in front of the grocery store that kids don't know are supposed to move until Grandma puts a quarter in it and forever changes the average trip to the grocery.

For a long time he's been quite capable of walking, but when giving the choice it's crawling. Our current favorite past time is walking up and down the street with our little grocery cart pictured in the post below. He's been known to throw a fit when it's time to head home. Just like his momma.

He's talking more too...his latest words are: Ball, Car, More, Shoe. He LOVES to see himself in the mirror and it sounds like he's trying to say "Silas" when he does. Mostly he's just happy to see himself.

Adoption 2 Update: I got my medical form today and Marshall plans to get his notarized on Monday. We are just waiting on our home study to be finished and then we'll wait on our I171-H form from immigration. That's all folks. And then we wait.

Thanks for checking on us! Remember to take a little time to play in the backyard in your jammies...it's good for the soul.