The beautiful part is, no matter what moment I became a Mother, over this past year I've become someone's Momma.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
one year ago today
Monday, April 27, 2009
17 whole months
My sweet boy turned 17 months old on Saturday. Just in the last three weeks, he has GROWN SO MUCH....physically, verbally, all around. One year ago today, we arrived in Ethiopia to meet this sweet boy. He was 5 months old. Times flies when you're having fun!
Since I can't sleep (why, oh why did I take a nap?) and it's late, here are some spiritual thoughts rolling around in my head lately...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
we got us a garden
Oh and if this garden is plentiful, look for me and this little salesman in our front yard with our own little Adoption fundraiser produce stand. But, I'm not counting my zucchini before they hatch!
Friday, April 17, 2009
our day without shoes
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
one day without shoes
one day without shoes
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Friday, April 10, 2009
he's growing up before my eyes
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Keep your eye on the prize
So, Silas is walking. He still prefers crawling, but I got some video of him yesterday while we played in our jammies in the backyard. Our beloved neighbors moved and left their son's broken gator for a couple of weeks until it can be disposed of. Silas is happy with it...he doesn't know it should have a motor. It's like the old riding toys in front of the grocery store that kids don't know are supposed to move until Grandma puts a quarter in it and forever changes the average trip to the grocery.
For a long time he's been quite capable of walking, but when giving the choice it's crawling. Our current favorite past time is walking up and down the street with our little grocery cart pictured in the post below. He's been known to throw a fit when it's time to head home. Just like his momma.
He's talking more too...his latest words are: Ball, Car, More, Shoe. He LOVES to see himself in the mirror and it sounds like he's trying to say "Silas" when he does. Mostly he's just happy to see himself.
Adoption 2 Update: I got my medical form today and Marshall plans to get his notarized on Monday. We are just waiting on our home study to be finished and then we'll wait on our I171-H form from immigration. That's all folks. And then we wait.
Thanks for checking on us! Remember to take a little time to play in the backyard in your's good for the soul.