Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's aSnowBama day!

We woke up to Silas talking through his monitor. "They" said it was going to snow. We had hope, but didn't really believe it. It's snowing, alright. Here are some pictures from our morning...

Silas watched through the window as Daddy took Sophie outside.

He didn't really get the concept of "snow angel" but he looked a lot like the little boy in the movie, A Christmas Story.

This is real snow...I can't believe it!

We are all home, snuggling up and enjoying the inauguration.
We hope you have a Happy SnowBama Day!
(Be sure you scroll down...I did a lot of updating yesterday. :)


Kilgo4 said...

It's a New Day! I am thrilled and so hopeful for what God has in store for us all. Enjoy your day. We are watching with you... a world away!

Rob and Candy said...

Wow! Silas is a natural in the snow. Great pictures. thanks for sharing.

The Oscarsons said...

You guys are really just the cutest family ever.