Saturday, December 19, 2009

what a difference a year makes

This is Silas one year ago. A plump baby that wasn't even walking on his own yet...
And now he looks more like a little boy. This is him today, sitting on the couch watching Yo Gabba Gabba and occassionally running over to get a bite of his peanut butter sandwich...

What a difference a year makes!
Oh and get this...I realized something really special last night. I was reading some blogs and someone was celebrating their "referralversary". Got me thinking about our referral and how that anniversary of 2 years is coming up.
We received Silas' referral on Feb 7, 2008.
My due date for Jude is Feb 7, 2010.
God is in the details and it just makes me smile.


Nitro Krycerin said...

They grow SO quickly! What a QT.

Apryl said...

That is amazing--I love seeing those little details. Wouldn't that be astounding? Referral and birth for both sons on the same day :)

Silas looks like such a BIG BOY!!

Brandon-Laura Denning said...

Love it - I can't believe how much he's grown just since June!! What a big boy! And, yes, isn't it amazing when we see the details that God orchestrates??! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sheryll said...

Oh Jill, such a little man that you have there!! Silas is so precious! I've been out of the loop for a while, so it was fun to check out your blog and see your pictures. You look fantastic! Keep of the good work, Momma :) Have a Merry Christmas. Love ya, Sheryll

K.P. said...

Hey sis! Just catching up on my bloggies. I'm sure people are wondering if I still know how to post. Ha! But, you look great. Glad you are doing well and the GD is not a big factor. The date thing is AWESOME! I can't wait to see baby Jude. (Great name too!) Also, I can't wait for you to get to see Marshall and for him to get to see all of you!

Love ya!